Thursday, May 29, 2008

Win XP: IE 7, Unable to Install Flash Player.


Probable caused:
Most probably is a MS security update issue.

IF you have an previous version of Flash Player, un-install it first. You may download the uninstaller at this site:
Run the un-installer.
Re-start the computer.

Auto Fix IE7 security settings (back-up the OS registry before executing the command below):
Open a Command Prompt by clicking on "Start", followed by "Run", and type CMD in the box, then click OK. When the Command Prompt window opens up, type this line exactly as entered, being careful that you use spaces where needed. I will suggest that you copy the syntax below :

secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\repair\secsetup.inf /db secsetup.sdb /verbose

Snapshot of Windows Command Prompt(click on image for better view):

Download the stand-alone Adobe Falsh Player:

Run the installer.

You may verify if the installation was successful by going to the version test page: