Being a big boy in the Domain Names arena, this company
seems to only be interested in the collection of annual
fee for hosting domain names. It boast of 4.5 million domain
names under its profile, but sadly it is unable to employ or
have a system to support its valuable customers.
Their response to any enquiries, seems to take approximatly
3 working days. That is 2 days and 23 hours too late. After
much waiting, I've have decided to tranfer to a much better
registra. Well, this process should consume just less than
an hour, but it has already been a week.
Their frequent ask question 'Tranfering between Registra'
or Reseller' only deals with incoming tranfering to Melbourne
IT and nothing mention about trasfering from Melbourne IT.
My curiosity about the company's sevice etiquette comfirmed
when I search the internet for netizens with simliar situation.
Since the domain name is just for my personal use and
it will expire end of August, I shall let it die a natural death,
with Melbourne IT as the accomplice.
I am now excited in deciding a new domain name. Hmm!
Maybe I shall consult my Feng Shui master
Just got my email server up and running. My email address
is at my profile.