choose from. Which one gives a better bite and crunchier
interms of relaibilty, control, ease of use, robust, cost effective
and up-to-date update definition? I have explore severals anti-
virus programmes and nothing come close to the Russian product.
Just like the AK47, Kaspersky Anti Virus will protect your computer
and domain like the old faithful AK47 sub-machinegun. But nothing
sub about this programme when install unto your machine. Nothing
beats the hourly updates, and Kaspersky technical staff work
round the clock to ensure that all updates get updated in 60 minutes.
Kaspersky Anti Virus Free Trial
First, when they say free trial, it's true! You get update access
right away, which gives you a full sense of how well the product
works. Next, it finds even the most hard-to-find trojans and
knocks them down. Above all, this product had the least amount
of software conflicts on your system.
This is the scanning done on my customer's laptop.
Notice over 5000 viruses detected durin 90% of the scannin
phase. After tota scanning, 7000 over viruses captured.
Here is the link for for Kaspersky:
For purchase of 10 licences and more, you may contact me through my email address in my profile or you may contact Byteworks for Singapore and Philippines corporate customers. Here is the link for Byteworks.