Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fixing Your Electronic Hardwares

Unlike the old days, prior to the invention of the computers,
machine last longer, but they also cost a lot more. Thanks to the
demand for electronic goods, mass production has seen the
decline in not only The cost of you favourite brand of laptop,
IPods and gadgets but also The decline in quality of electronic

Electronic goods nowadays barely last 2years, this is calculated by
the number of usage hours. That’s why warranty of most products
are only for a year. The better quality gadgets, laptop may
command a longer warranty period of 3 years, but prepare to pay
premium dollars for them. Most of the fail hardwares can be traced
to one particular source, the capacitor.

Leaking or blown capacitor. That’s is why the karanguni man( Malay for rag and bone man),
will buy your spoiled TV, Hi-Fi set, DVD player, LCD monitor for
the price of a lunch-box, repair them and sell them to the second-
hand dealer. I have changed capacitor for several hardwares like,
TV set, DVD player, computer, LCD panel, computer power
supply and Firewall. Talaga! Below is the LCD panel I have just
repaired. There were 2 blown Capacitor and one leaking. Cost,
S$0.80 that is 80cents per capacitor. Go do the math!